19 September 2013

Tombow Dual Brush Markers

Image source: Tombow USA
These markers are amazing. Not only are they fabulous as markers, but they are also the world's most precise and vibrant set of watercolors. The real beauty of Tombow markers is that, once you've laid down a line, you can easily brush it out to create a smooth gradient field. Gradient fields are critical to effective shading, and producing smooth ones is not always an easy task. It is with these markers.

A useful basis for comparison are Lyra Aqua-Brush markers. These feature nice, bright colors and smooth coverage, but are not nearly so friendly to being painted once laid down. With Lyras, you have to choose between using them as a marker, or treating them as paints and applying the ink to a palettes for subsequent brush application. Thus, these are inferior both in terms of accuracy and ease of use of the Tombows.

Recommendation: Strong Buy

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